Thursday, May 04, 2006

The week that was

Looks like I have one taker for the cabin hideaway. Jen, you bring the wine! I've got a stack of good books and I think we'll be set.

Things are better, I guess. I've barely seen E since Tuesday morning between my work schedule and her activities. She is going to participate in another track meet this afternoon. God help me. She is concerned that her splint will get her disqualified since anything like jewelry is a no-no. Apparently an 8th grader was disqualified from her relay race earlier this week because she had on a bracelet while she ran. I'd be just fine with her disqualification personally.

K is no worse and I'm still undecided about how to proceed. Tomorrow is a half day off from school, so perhaps I'll see if we can see the doctor then. She got to tour the middle school yesterday and meet the 5th grade teachers. Now she is very pumped about 5th grade and has the 6 teachers ranked in order of preference. She seems to be leaning towards the two male teachers.

My niece is better, too. The kidney stone was pulverized by laser on Monday a.m. The anesthesia has made her, "sick as a dog," as my SIL says. She was going to try to go to school for at least part of the day today. SIL also reported that my MIL fell outside and is all bruised and battered. She was outside planting flowers and tripped over a downspout and rolled down their banked front yard. FIL was inside and didn't hear her yell, cars were whizzing by on the road but no one stopped to help. She finally rolled and crawled uphill to the satellite dish where she could pull herself up and hobbled inside. Not easy for a 76 year-old woman with two artificial knees and arthritis in her hands and hips. She's hurt her wrist and busted up her glasses so is off the doctor today to get that all checked out. I'll call her this evening and see how she is.

There is a farewell reception this afternoon for two professor friends who are retiring. I feel very emotional about it. Dr. T has at time's provided me with some valuable advice and more than once has served as a reference for me. I've enjoyed working with Ms. B, too. They are such warm, friendly people. I'll hate to see them leave.

This is Friday for me since my week started on Sunday. I'm going to a cook-out on Saturday night (sans children) and Sunday morning the bells play at both services then there is the TTT auction afterwards, which I should attend since I'm on finance committee. But I've avoided it so far, so why start now? I've got to get my stuff for the auction to the church tomorrow! I'm getting rid of some of Ben's old glassware. Not the depression glass, but some other things that strike me as butt ugly and I would never, ever use. It might be collectible and worth something, I don't know. We'll see if anyone wants the ugly stuff.

1 comment:

Kanga Jen said...

Hey where were you??!
Nah, just kidding. I didn't make it. I was too busy driving teenaged boys around town. (!) I may be a little loopy for doing this whole youth group advisor thing, but I tell you what - it is sure going to be fun. They're all a trip. Goofy, fun kids.

I can't believe the fall your MIL took! How frightening! I'm so glad it wasn't worse.

You are indeed one busy lady, but it's because you have a huge heart.

Here's to a calmer week - I'd bet you'd even take boring, wouldn't you?